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Dispelling the Myth: Paper Receipts and Tax Returns

Dispelling the Myth: Paper Receipts and Tax Returns

Receipts can be misplaced, damaged, or illegible, causing undue stress for business owners. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem: paper receipts are unnecessary.

How to Scan and Organize Digital Receipts

How to Scan and Organize Digital Receipts

Consider all of the receipts you've accumulated this year. Do you have a strategy for organizing all those receipts? When you get to the end of the year and feel the pressure to have your taxes done, you’ll wish you kept track and organized your receipts.

Paying Off Student Loans

Paying Off Student Loans

Paying off student loans is a financial milestone that resonates with countless individuals navigating the post-graduate landscape. As the echoes of academic achievement begin to fade, the reality of repayment surfaces, prompting a significant journey toward financial freedom.

The Importance of Keeping Track of Your Digital Receipts

The Importance of Keeping Track of Your Digital Receipts

Both small businesses and individuals are legally required to retain receipts and invoices for a minimum of seven years. Typically, this meant stacks of papers on your desk or in filing cabinets, which took up a lot of space but served little another purpose than to sit there and store documents.

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