Add a Transaction

Add a Transaction

Last updated:

November 6, 2023

How to Add a Transaction

1. Tap the account in which you’d like to add a transaction.

2. Once inside an account, tap the green plus button in the bottom right corner of your screen.

3. Enter in your transaction details. The only required fields are: name, amount, type, and date.

  • Name: Enter the name of this transaction.
  • Amount: Enter the monitary amount for this transaction.
  • Type: Select the type of transaction, such as purchase, income, etc.
  • Date: The date and time for this transaction.
  • Category: For reporting and organization, select a category.
  • Color: If you select a color, it will appear in your transaction list. This makes it easier to find a transaction if you want to come back to it later.
  • Cleared: Mark your transaction as cleared, or turn the switch off if the transaction is still pending in your bank account. 
  • Repeat: If you’d like to set up this transaction to repeat at specific intervals, enter it here.
  • Note: This note field is for any additional details you may want to add.
  • Check #: If you have a check number you can add it here.
  • Add Receipt: Tap this button to add a receipt to this transaction. You can take a photo or upload an existing photo from your device’s photo gallery.

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